Why Do I Need Employment Practice Liability Insurance Policy?

Sorry every once in awhile I will write about an
unhappy stressful topic.

Warning!!! This is an upsetting blog about true
things that just shouldn’t be!

EPLI or Employment Practice Liability Insurance is one of those “let’s not talk about it, and hope it goes away topics”!

As a business owner, we all strive to hire qualified employees to work for us. Unfortunately, as you are well aware, not every hiring decision goes as planned. Even if an employee is a good employee and does a great job, or has to be terminated for a legitimate reason such as poor attendance or unsatisfactory work habits every termination opens the door for potential lawsuits.  The funny or not so funny thing such as in the example I am sharing with you the terminated “bad employee” wasn’t the one that brought the suit.  It was the “good hard working employee”!  This is exactly “Why do I need Employment Practice Liability Insurance” question gets asked.

Many times it is employment practice liability insurance (EPLI) that stands between you, and some things that just shouldn’t be.  After almost 4 decades of working with business owners, and owning a business myself I can tell you how sometimes it is actual the ones you care the most about that you need help and protection from.  So you and your organization can be saved from costly, frivolous lawsuits

To make my point check this story out!  Unbelievable!

When, a business owner, received a complaint that a sales manager (male employee) made crude, disparaging remarks to a female employee during a trade show, the claim was taken very seriously.  An investigation was conducted. During the course of the investigation, the owner spoke with another employee (A good hard working “team member” employee)  who witnessed the incident firsthand. According to this employee, the sales manager’s actions were offensive and harassing. Ultimately, after much deliberation, the owner fired the sales manager for his behavior.  Even after consulting an Attorney specializing in HR issues during the investigation and before taking action.  In other words everything was done right.  But here is what happened next!

Weeks later, the (Good hard working team member employee)  that witnessed the incident sued the owner for $500,000, claiming that after the incident, the owner had passed her up for promotion and assigned her a poor sales territories, all because she came forward with the details of what happened at the trade show.  Although the lawsuit was groundless, the business owner racked up hefty legal bills defending against the allegation.   Can you believe that?  If not I can give you more examples of how ridiculous this can be.

Lawsuits like the one this business owner faced can come out of left field and are much more common than you’d think. In fact, three out of five employers will be sued by a prospective, current or former employee while they are in business. EPLI can help mitigate these risks by providing the necessary resources to defend your company against a lawsuit or pay a claim.

As costs for litigation and damage awards climb, experts predict that employment liability will only become more complex.

For more information visit GDI’s EPLI Page by clicking here:  Fill out a few quick questions and we can get you a quote in a 1-2 days.  We can go faster also, but as insurance brokers we represent many companies so always strive to get you the right coverage at the lowest costs.  While some sites will offer instant quotes they offer those quotes from one company.  Every client is different so matching you with the right company is how we help to keep your cost down.

Or just call your GDI Insurance Agency broker 888-991-2929 for more information and help today!

We will help you learn more about EPLI and discuss your employment-related risks.

PS.  (Secret Free Gift Worth Thousands!)  Just ask and we will give you a free employee manual with access to an HR attorney to help you fill in the blanks!

We also will set you up on your own company HR portal all for free with no obligation.  GDI cares and wants to help.  Yes we sell insurance and would love to handle yours.

But we don’t need to do that to help you with this issue.  All you have to do is just ask.  We will do more to help than you will believe for anyone that asks for our help!

“If you have employees, you will get sued.”  Grant Davis..

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